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Serviços de verificação cadastral

Valide informações cadastrais em um processo de onboarding leve e fluído. Diminua riscos, atenda a LGPD, e se proteja contra clientes indesejados que podem prejudicar seu negócio.

Dados Cadastrais
  • Payn

  • Payout

  • Recorrência


Analisa se a imagem capturada é real ou se sofreu alguma alteração na sua estrutura.

Extração de dados-OCR

Integrate, simplify and create your own banking ecosystem.


Want to know more about our banking and technology solutions?

Autenticação de 2 fatores

Validação e segurança extra por meio de tokenização.

Verificação de endereço

Análise dados de comportamento de associação do endereço com CPF e número de telefone.


Valide a face do seu cliente em tempo real, gerando score de confiabilidade.

Autenticação de 2 fatores

Validação e segurança extra por meio de tokenização.

Verificação de endereço

Análise dados de comportamento de associação do endereço com CPF e número de telefone.

We have the ideal technology for your company to receive and make payments


Easy integration and


We have designed our API so that your team does not waste time working on the integration and you have control over the entire payment flow.


Integrating with Beeteller's API, you create the best payment experience for your customer.


Sandbox environment

Test management via dashboard

Transaction status changes

Want to learn more about our technologies?
Talk to a member of our team.

Contact us and talk to the specialists team.

Receive hassle-free with Payment Button 

With the payment button, it is  possible to process payments quickly and securely through our checkout from any device.

This integration is accessible and adapted for any website and app, with easy implementation.

Select billing method



Enter the value


Present the QR Code to receive

Generate in-person or remote billing with just two clicks

Receive by Pix  in the palm of your hand or by sharing the link. Register multiple operators to generate billing for your company.

Have the control and tracking of transactions generated and settled in real time.

Accepting payments is now just a link away

Share the payment link via Whatsapp, Email, SMS, Facebook, etc. and get paid immediately.

Three simple steps to receive via payment link.

Step 1

Generate payment link

Step 2

Customer chooses payment method

Step 3

You are notified once the payment is cleared.

Facilitate the issuance of billing in your company

On the Beeteller platform, it is possible to process billing, and automate receipt by Pix slip.

Email Receipt Alert

Payer registration

Automated Email Billing

Dashboard and wallet history

Single issue, batch and subscription

Sending of bank slips by Email and Whatsapp

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